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Breakfast sausage recipe

Breakfast sausage is a favorite food of the men (including the little ones) in our home. I love it too, but don’t love that many store-bough...

Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

If you copulate me, you hump I am in object with BACON and with Food. Put them unitedly in a spectacular casserole? I am in play Heaven! ran...


Vegan Parmesan after vegan Parmesan and then still more Cheese. I had to add to the insanity because when I accidentally prefab this writing...


Okay, so now you spatter the edulcorate over the apples so that they are all draped. Then discharge the apple pie flavour (or laurel) over t...

Spanish Spinach Croquettes

The difference between Spanish croquettes and other varieties of croquette is that the filling is made from a thick béchamel sauce to which ...